⭐Fixed Star Algol

Algol, Beta Persei, the Head of Medusa (Caput Medusae), from Al-Ghul, the monster or the devil: this star brings about woes, violence, brutality and cruelty. According to Ptolemy, the star is of the nature of Jupiter and Saturn. According to Leowicz, it is of the nature of Saturn and Venus. It often indicates violent death, but it does not exclude elevation and wealth. Robson considers it the worst star. Junctinus of Florence believed that when in it is in conjunction with the Sun or the Moon, or the ruler of the Ascendant, or the ruler of the 8th House, the individual is very likely to experience a violent death. It is only when it is in conjunction with Jupiter, and when the said conjunction receives soft aspects, that Algol may bring about power and wealth.

Algol is a fixed star located in the constellation of Perseus. In astrology, Algol is associated with themes related to intense transformation, power, and the shadow self.

Those with a strong connection to Algol in their birth chart may experience significant periods of transformation and upheaval in their life. They may be drawn towards experiences that challenge them deeply and force them to confront their own limitations and weaknesses. However, this process of transformation can ultimately lead to a deep sense of personal growth and inner strength.

Another potential influence of Algol is related to issues of power and control. Those with a strong connection to this star in their birth chart may struggle with issues related to manipulation, control, or dominance. Alternatively, they may struggle with their own sense of powerlessness and may seek to find ways to exert control over their circumstances.

On the downside, individuals with a strong connection to Algol may experience feelings of intense fear or anxiety, as they confront the darker aspects of their own psyche. They may also struggle with feelings of guilt or shame, as they work to reconcile their desire for power and control with their own sense of morality.

Overall, Algol represents a powerful energy of transformation and power that can be harnessed to achieve personal and spiritual growth. For those with a strong connection to this star in their birth chart, it is important to engage in practices such as meditation, self-reflection, and inner work, as a means of exploring their own shadow self and cultivating a sense of balance and humility. Through this process, they can harness the powerful energy of Algol to achieve deep personal transformation, inner strength, and a greater sense of connection to their own sense of power and purpose.