⭐ Fixed Star Bellatrix

Bellatrix, also designated Gamma Orionis, is the third-brightest star in the constellation of Orion, 5° west of the red giant Alpha Orionis (Betelgeuse). Just between the first and second magnitude and slightly variable, it is about the 25th-brightest star in the night sky. According to Ptolemy, Bellatrix is of the nature of Mars and Mercury. Literally, on Orion’s left shoulder (sinister humerus Orionis) or The Warrior (Bellatrix). It brings great civil or military honours, but sudden danger of dishonour, fame, wealth, eminent friends, possible accidents causing blindness and ruin. If this star is prevailing in the chart of a woman, it makes her chatty and quarrelsome, and gives a harsh and high-pitched voice, very catching according to Robson. It makes the person irreligious, perfidious, greedy, and fond of hunting according to Fomalhaut. Conjunct the Ascendant with Mars, it may cause death through fire according to Julevno. On the Ascendant with the Moon, it may bring lust, madness, and acute illness according to Fomalhaut. On the Midheaven, it may bring bickering and hatred.

Bellatrix is a fixed star located in the constellation of Orion. In astrology, Bellatrix is associated with themes related to war, courage, and honor.

Those with a strong connection to Bellatrix in their birth chart may possess a natural courage and bravery that enables them to face even the most challenging situations with determination and strength. They may be drawn towards careers or vocations that involve defending others, such as law enforcement, military service, or social activism. They may also possess a natural leadership ability, inspiring others through their actions and commitment to justice and fairness.

Another potential influence of Bellatrix is related to issues of personal sacrifice and commitment. Those with a strong connection to this star in their birth chart may possess a deep sense of honor and duty, motivating them to put the needs of others before their own. They may be drawn towards charitable causes or social justice work, or may be involved in religious or spiritual practices that involve devotion and self-sacrifice.

On the downside, individuals with a strong connection to Bellatrix may struggle with issues related to aggression or impulsiveness. They may be prone to making hasty decisions or taking actions that are overly confrontational or aggressive. They may also struggle with feelings of anger or resentment towards those they perceive as unjust or unfair.

Overall, Bellatrix represents a powerful energy that can be harnessed for the greater good. For those with a strong connection to this star in their birth chart, it is important to balance their desire for courage and honor with a sense of compassion and empathy towards others. Through this balance, they can harness the powerful energy of Bellatrix to create positive change in the world, defend those in need, and inspire others towards a better future.